PGI News — New Product
Cancer – The Current Epidemic in the Fire Service
BarriAire BarriAire Gold Cancer Carcinogen Cobra Firefighting Hoods New Product NFPA 1971 Particulate Barrier PPE Soot

More firefighters have been diagnosed with cancer in the last two years then in the previous 10 years combined. One in three firefighters will die of cancer. There’s a minimum of nine Group 1 carcinogens in all fire smoke. All smoke is hazardous and potentially lethal at high enough concentrations. These dangerous carcinogens can enter the firefighters' bodies through absorption through the skin. PGI has developed a new line of fire fighting hoods we’ve named Cobra™ BarriAire™ which incorporates a proprietary Particulate Barrier fabric which we’ve strategically located in areas which have the greatest risk of exposure to the firefighters - the neck and jaw. These hoods maintain the exceptional stretch and recovery properties of our regular hoods allowing them to interface seamlessly with SCBA masks and mask hardware. Additionally, the Particulate Barrier fabric is extremely supple and lightweight weighing only approximately .5 oz./sq. yd. – making it barely detectable. The fabric also has excellent breathability maintaining the comfort currently only attainable by hoods without a Particulate Barrier and allows body heat to escape around the neck and head reducing the likelihood of heat stress. Cobra™ BarriAire™ hoods were developed in an effort to reduce firefighter exposure to potentially dangerous and toxic particles routinely encountered while on a working call.